AM214 - Screw Jack

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Title: Screw Jack
1.      To obtain the velocity ratio of the machine.
2.      To plot graphs on a base of increasing load, illustrating the variation of
a)      Effort
b)      Effect on Friction
c)      Efficiency
3.      To obtain an equation for the relation between load and effort, and hence obtain a value for the limiting efficiency of machine.

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The Screw Jack is a device used for lifting heavy loads which are usually centrally loaded by applying smaller effort. It works on the principle of inclined plane. The device consists of a nut and screw. The load is carried by screw head. The body consisting of a nut is fixed and screw is
rotated by means of a lever.

The axial distance moved by the screw when it makes one complete revolution is
known as the Lead of the screw. The distance between two consecutive threads is called Pitch
of the screw.

For single threaded screw Lead = Pitch, and for double threaded screw L = 2p

Mechanical Advantage:
It is the ratio of weight lifted to effort applied.
M.A. = W/ P

Velocity Ratio:
It is the ratio of distance moved by the effort (y) to the distance moved by the load (x).
V.R. = y/ x
In one complete revolution of the lever by effort P:
Distance traveled by effort = 2 π R
And, distance traveled by the load = p
Therefore, Velocity Ratio = 2 π R / p

For Procedures, See your Mechanical Laboratory Manual.

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Observations :-


For Precautions, See General Laboratory Precautions
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About Stephen Djes

Stephen Djes is a passionate Graduate of Engineering from the University of Benin, and he is geared towards helping fellow engineering students in the great institution of UNIBEN to do better at academics.
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